G5055 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


5055teleo {tel-eh'-o} 源自5056;TDNT-8:57,1161;动词 AV-finish 8,fulfil 7,accomplish 4,pay 2,perform 1,expire 1, misc 3;26

-2b)也是关于形式,即按照命令行事,通常是与时间有关, 就是完成了一项在进行中的工作的最后一个步聚,就完成了这个命令!

5055teleo {tel-eh'-o} from 5056;TDNT-8:57,1161;v AV-finish 8,fulfil 7,accomplish 4,pay 2,perform 1,expire 1, misc 3;26

1)to bring to a close,to finish,to end
2)to perform,execute,complete,fulfil,(so that the thing done corresponds to what has been said,the order,command etc.)
-2a)with special reference to the subject matter,to carry out the contents of a command
-2b)with reference also to the form,to do just as commanded,and generally involving the notion of time,to perform the last act which completes a process,to accomplish,fulfil
3)to pay
-3a)of tribute